Dear Technology Platform Expert,
Please find enclosed a set of additional expressions of interest received between 5th September and today in response to TEPPIES call 1-2009.
For the original set of TEPPIES submitted before 5th Sept., please download the file “TEPPIES-01-2009_all responses_04-09-2009” from the Document Library of the internal members’ area of (see folder “ETP General/Documents and Publication/TEPPIES/Call 01-2009”)
For all project ideas addressing topics of the NMP Programme a project brokerage event will be held on 6th October at Euratex in Brussels (see invitation sent on 17th Sept.). I hope that most of the TEPPIES proposers will be present at this meeting to explain their project ideas and possible partner search requests. I will circulate the final detailed agenda early next week.
Best regards,
Lutz Walter
Lutz Walter
Head of R&D, Innovation and Projects Department
EURATEX – The European Apparel and Textile Organisation
24, rue Montoyer - Box 10
B-1000 Brussels
Ph. +32-2-285.48.85
Fax: +32-2-230.60.54
E-mail: [email protected]
PREDLOGI 24.9.2009