
Predstavitev centra
Organizacijska shema

IRSPIN - Industrijski razvojni center slovenske predilne industrije so ustanovila tekstilna podjetja s ciljem povezovanja podjetij na področjih razvoja izdelkov in tehnologij, izobraževanja, izmenjave in prenosa znanja iz izobraževalnih in razvojnih inštitucij v podjetja in med podjetji.

Dear Technology Platform Member,


Please find enclosed an Expression of Interest template for our TEPPIES system relating to the upcoming call for proposals of the FP7 Programmes. The corresponding EC calls are expected to be published in late July 2010 and it is only then that we will have absolute certainty about all the call details. This year a particularly wide range of topics with relevance for textiles & clothing research is expected.


Of particularly high interest to the textile industry and research community are the following workprogramme topics:

NMP.2011.4.0-3             Advanced textiles for the energy and environmental protection markets

NMP.2011.1.2-3             Active nanomembranes/-filters/-adsorbents for efficient water treatment with stable or regenerable low-fouling surfaces

FoF.NMP.2011-1           The Eco-Factory: cleaner and more resource-efficient production in manufacturing 

FoF.NMP.2011-4           High tech solutions in the production processes for customised green, safe and healthy consumer products

SEC-2011.4.4-1             CBRN individual Protective Clothing - Capability Project


Other topics which may also provide some scope for textile-related projects include:

NMP.2011.1.1-1             Smart and multifunctional packaging concepts utilizing nanotechnology

NMP.2011.1.4-2             Development of nano-scale detection and control techniques for large area substrates

NMP.2011.3.1-1             Eco-design for new products

NMP.2011.3.4-1             Eco-efficient management of industrial water

ENV.2011.3.1.9-1          Eco-innovation! (Please note that this is a different programme from the CIP-Eco-Innovation programme. FP7-ENV Eco-Innovation funds R&D project, CIP Eco-Innovation funds technology transfer & market take-up)

EeB-NMP.2011-1           Materials for new energy efficient building components with reduced embodied energy

EeB.NMP.2011-3           Energy saving technologies for buildings envelope retrofitting

ICT-2011.3.6                  Flexible, Organic and Large Area Electronics and Photonics



In the enclosed annex you can find the draft Workprogramme description of all these topics . It is important to note that this information originates from several 2011 workprogramme drafts in different stages of finalisation. Therefore the definite topic descriptions should be verified in the final workprogrammes once they are published together with the call texts later in July.


The tentative submission deadlines for the different programmes are as follows (also subject to confirmation):

NMP Deadline (first stage): 4 November 2010

FoF & EeB Deadline: 2 December 2010

SEC Deadline: 1 December 2010

ENV deadline (first stage): 16 November 2010

ICT deadline: 18 January 2011


As every year we will again organise our proven proposal information exchange system TEPPIES to help facilitating and coordinating the proposal preparation work of the European textile research community. Enclosed you can find this year’s TEPPIES EoI template with an initial submission deadline of 29th July. When the EC calls will have been published end of July, I will re-announce this TEPPIES call and circulate the final version of the relevant FP7 Workprogrammes. At that moment I will also set a second deadline for returning the completed TEPPIES template in early September. However those who wish to start their project preparation and consortium building process earlier, please provide your TEPPIES by 29th July.


At least one project brokerage event will be organised on Fri 24th September 2010 held at Euratex in Brussels. Agenda/registration forms will be in due course.

Should a large number of TEPPIES project ideas be received, a 2nd brokerage event may be organised on Fri 14th October. In this case the 24th Sept. brokerage will focus on the NMP & Environment calls, the 14th Oct. event on the Factories of the Future (FoF), Energy-efficient Buildings (EeB), Security and ICT calls.


In July the EC organises two information days for some of the above calls. These include:


Best regards,

Lutz Walter




European Apparel and Textile Organisation

R&D, Innovation and Projects Department

24, rue Montoyer - Box 10

B-1000 Brussels

Ph. +32-2-285.48.85

Fax: +32-2-230.60.54

E-mail: [email protected]


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