
About the centre
Organization scheme

IRSPIN - Industrijski razvojni center slovenske predilne industrije so ustanovila tekstilna podjetja s ciljem povezovanja podjetij na podro�jih razvoja izdelkov in tehnologij, izobra�evanja, izmenjave in prenosa znanja iz izobra�evalnih in razvojnih in�titucij v podjetja in med podjetji.
About the platform

Technological platforms are new mechanism of European Commission for definition of priority fields for research and development, necessary for industry. The aim of technological platforms is to define strategic plan of research in the field of platform operation and establishment of efficient mechanisms of public private partnership (financing) for their realization. In the preparation of research plan of individual technological platforms a wide spectrum of interested persons (industry, science, state representatives, financial institutions, users, customers and individuals) associates with the aim to prepare a plan to measure of strategic aims and priorities of industry. Technological platforms represent an important contents' starting point for preparation of 7th frame research programme for the period 2007 – 2013.

Development of national technological platforms in stimulated the Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Ministry of high education, science and technology. Initiative from textile industry for development of the Slovene technological platform came from the Industrial development centre of Slovene spinning industry IRSPIN, which attracted more that 20 partners from industry, developmental and research institutions for participation. Strategic development guidelines were formed in three columns and two horizontal working groups. In the process of modelling more than 100 participants took part from August 2005 to September 2006.

Interested partners of the process at three national workshops of textile technological platform, which took place on 21st October 2005, 14th November 2005 and 28th September 2006, adopted strategic developmental directions of Slovene textile industry for the period from 2007 to 2013. Before that, at the first workshop, they elected leadership and agreed on the way of technological platform operation.

A group of interested partners includes companies, knowledge institutions and a technological centre, whose basic activity is connected to textile industry (review of participants enclosed). Strategic direction of companies is development of topmost innovative textile products and services, while strategic direction of knowledge institutions and the technological centre is supporting of the activities, which will enlarge competitiveness of companies. The vision of the Slovene textile and technological platform is a permanent Slovene textile industry competitive position based on knowledge in and worldwide. The aim of the technological platform is to connect industry and science and through common operation to establish similar structure of research work as it is alleged in the European TP.

Working groups are opened for everybody who wants to contribute in the modelling of the research action plan for Slovene textile technological platform in accordance with needs of industry. Find more on Slovene technological platforms at: (shortcuts: Technological platforms)


Slovene  technological platform for textile


 Contact person: Verica �labravec

Telephone: ++ 386 (0)1 89 90 210

Telefax: ++386 (0)1 89 84 213

E-mail: [email protected]


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